1) Cloves have been shown to be packed full of antioxidants, and therefore great for you as the season of colds and coughs begins. Try adding some to a mug of hot water, honey and lemon for a warming treat.

2) Feeling down or stressed, and wanting to reach for a sweet treat? Although a biscuit or French Fancy might raise your mood for a short while, it can lead to a sugar drop later, making you feel worse than you started out! Instead, try snacking on a banana, which contains trytophan. It's an amino acid that gets converted into the hormone serotonin - the happy hormone! Also try eating nuts and seeds (in moderation), as they contain vitamin B which regulates and improves your mood.

3) Why exactly is wholegrain so wonderful?
I'm always going on about how we should only eat wholegrain and not refined, white carbs, but I've never exactly given an explanation as to why it's so much better for you, so here goes! When white bread or pasta is made, it becomes 'refined'. This means the bran and germ layers of the grain are removed, thus removing fibre, nutrients and antioxidants from the wheat. What you are left with, therefore, is a carb that is basically nutritionally empty, and not really that great for you. Wholegrain products, however, contain all the important parts of the grain. These are:
1 - the germ, which is full of nutrients
2 - the bran, which is full of fibre
3 - the endosperm, which is full of energy
The fibre helps to keep your digestive system healthy, and wholegrain has also been found to have beneficial effects for your heart and keeping your weight steady.

4) Why you shouldn't skip the salad dressing
Eating fats, such as olive oil, in salad dressings actually helps the body to absorb those wonderful carotenoids that are found in carrots, tomatoes and salad leaves, so don't leave it out! These carotenoids counteract cancer-causing free radicals in the body, so are pretty useful. Try a little lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper and you're all set :)

So there a few healthy tips for you as winter approaches. I've been a bit busy lately, hence the delay between posts, and will be even more so as uni starts, but follow me on Twitter (if you're not already), and I promise to keep you going with nutritional nuggets of information and health hints!
Nati xXx
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