1) Metabolism Makers.
- Here's a few quick tips for speeding up your metabolism: firstly, sprinkle cinnamon on anything you can. It changes the way our bodies use fat and sugar, helping us to burn them, rather than storing them as fat! Secondly, drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. This helps to kick-start your metabolism and gets your body going. Cold water is even better, as the body works to warm it up so it is more easily absorbed.
2) Post-Gym Eating.
- Almonds, soya products and lean protein are great after a work-out, as they will help your body regain energy and repair muscles. However, don't be afraid of some wholegrain carbs! This is the optimal time to eat carbs, as your body needs energy so will burn them rather than storing them as fat - Winning!
3) Glorious and Green.
- Increasing the amount of leafy greens in your diet will do you wonders. They are full of vitamin K, which protects bones and prevents blod clots, B vitamins which help metabolism and protect the health of skin and hair, and phytonutrients which protect our cells from damage. Consider including spinach, kale and swiss chard in your diet!

4) Chia Seeds
- I have recently heard about these seeds, which come from the salvia hispanica plant, and they are apparently an incredible source of omega 3 fatty acids, so could be a great alternative to traditional supplements. I will give them a go and let you know how I get on!
So there are a few quick tips and some health info for you! I will keep you posted on any new discoveries! Back soon!
Nati xXx
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