2) Immunity
- 3 apples
- 2 celery sticks
- 1 small beetroot
- 1/2 cabbage, raw (try red cabbage to really add to the juice)
- 1 inch square of ginger (about the top of your thumb

Then just juice/blend as previously described.
3) Cleansing
450ml soya milk/rice milk (check that the soya milk doesn't have any added sugar, as some do!)
2 tablespoons Manuka honey
1 tablespoon ground almonds
1 teaspoon cinnamon (speedsup the metabolism, so this juice is a slight fat-burner, as well as being cleansing!)

On a side note, I also take Aloe Pura Detox Aloe Vera Juice for cleansing occasionally. I take the pomegranate flavour, and mix 1 and a half tablespoons of it into a glass of water. It also contains burdock and green tea, which are great detoxifying ingredients. The label recommends drinking it twice daily, but for me once daily is enough for a week, then on the second week I cut it back to every other day, then the third week only once or twice etc.
Just so this entry isn't too long and juicy, I'll leave it there, and have the next three juices for you soon :)
Nati xXx
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