Thursday, 2 August 2012

Goodbye Gluten & Hello California.

Hello all!

I'm back and once again coming to you from California! Sorry for the delay in writing this holiday post - the novelty of actually having sunshine in my life again took me away from the computer, but I'm ready to update you on my health notes!

As you know, back home in England I was first following the Paleo diet, to see if it would help my rheumatoid arthritis, and then simply a gluten-free/low-carb diet. I did have a feeling that it was mildly improving my symptoms, but I didn't know if that was my second set of meds finally kicking in, or my diet. I can now say with utter certainty that it was the latter.

                                          The enemy - carbs!

Here in California I have my aunt cooking for me, and have also been staying with my friends, so I've been unable to eat gluten-free, or to cut down on my carb intake. I've been here for 2 weeks and the effects are just kicking in now - I'm more bloated, my knees ache and swell more, and I'm just feeling generally more lethargic. Although this might get me down, I'm looking at it in a positive way - this month in California will be a good experiment to see the effects of carbs and gluten/wheat on my arthritis, and will give me extra ammo to follow a strict diet when I go back home. It's also good to know that in the future I may not have to rely so heavily on medication, and can instead look to altering my diet to help me.
           My knees, quite swollen - not attractive, but just so you get an idea of what I'm describing!

Anyway, this was just a quick update on the effects of being off my gluten-free diet, and I will continue to keep you updated on my eating habits while on holiday, and any other health facts I come across!

Back soon! xXx

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