It's really important to keep your metabolism up, so that your body is burning calories, and here are some golden rules to do so:
1) Always have breakfast. This kick-starts your metabolism. Try and include protein and carbs.
2) Followthe 3 and 3 rule - 3 main meals, and 3 small snacks throughout the day. Now I only have two snacks a day, and your morning coffee can count as one, but it's up to you!
3) Never skip a meal! For those of you following me on Twitter, you'll know I said that even if I've had a massive lunch, I always eat something small in the evening so that my metabolism doesn't slow to a snail's pace.
I also believe in this great saying that I heard once: "Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince, and dinner like a pauper", which basically means downsize your meals as you go through the day, to match the natural speed and variance of your body's metabolism.
Ok, before I get carried away on a stream of health facts, here's a day in my diet. Some calorie calculations are rough estimates, so forgive me!
- 1 cup hot water with a squeeze of lemon
- 1 cup regular water
- 1 apple (60 kcal)
- 1 kiwi (60 kcal)
- 2 Chocolate Weetabix (156 kcal)
- 200ml Alpro Soya milk (75 kcal)

Calorie Count so far:351 kcal
Morning Coffee
- Small cappuccino and 1 brown sugar (100 kcal)
Calorie Count so far: 451 kcal
Usually a salad, for example:
- Salad with grilled chicken breast, lettuce, black olives, artichoke hearts (and whatever I feel like)
- Noodle and crayfish salad (around 300-400 kcal,I would estimate)

Calorie Count so far: 851 kcal
Afternoon snack
- Activia Fat-Free Yoghurt (66 kcal)
- Chocolate Snack-A-Jack with peanut butter and banana (Snack-A-Jack 62 kcal, so with the added toppings I rounded it up to about 100 kcal)
- Hovis Wholemeal toast with peanut butter and banana (Toast, 101 kcal, so I round this up to 150 kcal)
Calorie Count so far (using Snack-A-Jack option): 1017 kcal
- Grilled chicken breast, or salmon
- Asparagus
- Quinoa
(all together around 600 kcal - again, I'm estimating!)
Or tonight I'm having:
Spaghetti Bolognese with wholewheat spaghetti and Quorn mince (I'm not vegetarian, it's just a lot lower in fat than regular mince)
Mixed salad
(again, around 550 - 600 calories)

Followed by a few pieces of dark chocolate (I think you've guessed by now I love me some chocolate!) (60 kcal)

I also make sure I drink around 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day.
Total calorie count for the day: 1677 kcal
Obviously the recommended daily intake of calories for women is 2000, and I'm not saying your should follow my diet, but I eat this much because due to my knees I can't exercise, so I cut down my calories accordingly. I've heard recently that some people are fans of the 'high-low calorie' way of eating, where you alternate higher-calorie intake days with lower ones, to keep your metabolism guessing and, apparently, speed it up. I'm not sure what I think of that, to be honest I prefer to keep my beloved me-tab on an even keel - but I'll leave it up to you to decide.
Coming up next is a recipe! Rejoice!
Nati xXx
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