Today I thought I'd write a little about the cow's milk alternatives out there that I've tried, and their health benefits/calorie content etc.
1) Alpro Soya
Nutritional values per 100ml:
2.3g sugar
Health Benefits:
High in protein
Contains added calcium, and vits. B2, B12, and D
My milk alternative of choice!
2) Alpro Soya Plus
Nutritional Values per 100ml:
Same as above
Health Benefits:
Lowers cholesterol, and as above.
Literally just saw this in the supermarket today, tastes the same as regular Alpro, but with added health benefits! Great for your heart, for all of those who are feeling inspired after reading my 'Heart Health 101' entry!
3) Healthy Oat Milk (I've only tried the chocolate flavour of this one, which accounts for the higher sugar content)
Nutritional Values per 100g:
7 sugars
Health benefits:
Low in saturated fat
Really great for anyone on a serious health trip! Oats have long been known to be great for staying healthy.
4) Almond Milk with Agave Nectar
Nutritional values per 100g:
3.8g sugars
Health Benefits:
Only natural sugars
No soya, lactose, gluten or cholesterol
Completely natural, vegetarian and vegan.
Other notes...
- I've also tried coconut and rice milk (unfortunately I don't have the nutritional values to hand) but I wasn't a fan. They were very watery and had no taste. I firmly believe that a 'replacement' food or drink should bear some resemblance to the original product, and these two definitely didn't!
- Sheep and Goat's milk: I've also heard on the grapevine that these are great alternatives to cow's milk. I haven't tried them yet, but if anyone out there is I'd love to know what they taste like!
So, as you can see, it's still possible to enjoy milk and get calcium without drinking cow's milk, which many people can be intolerant to, in varying degrees. One thing I would say is that you should check if the milk alternatives you're trying have added or high sugar content, before adding them to your diet.
Nati xXx
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