Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Quick Carbs.

It feels like there's a big divide surrounding carbs. There is one camp for whom all carbs are the enemy - sitting at my cousin's birthday drinks the other Friday, one of her friends (a guy, might I add) started rattling off about how even wholewheat carbs are only relatively better than refined (white) ones, and how anything with sugar is evil. He was proud of the fact that he hadn't touched cake since January, and whilst I nodded and congratulated I couldn't help thinking that carbohydrates are being given a bigger, badder rep than they actually deserve.

I completely accept the fact that white, processed bread, and lots of cake and sugar is definitely not healthy, or good for you, but carbohydrates are the body's energy source of choice. If you choose complex carbs - brown rice, wholewheat bread etc. - then they provide you with slow-release energy, keeping blood sugar levels stable, preventing snacking, and generally keeping your body happy. Yes, we should keep cakes as an occasional treat, but everything in moderation, right? It just really gets to me that people present carbs as the bane of our lives, when our bodies kinda want to eat them! Even nutritionists are being quoted in magazines lately as saying that cutting out all bread, pasta etc. from our diets isn't necessary to stay healthy and in shape, as long as we have balanced diets and do exercise. Yes, our diets should be high in lean protein but don't ignore that brown bread sitting on supermarket shelves - it might do you some good!

And thus concludes my rant for the day!

Nati xXx

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