11) Blueberries
- Packed full of anti-oxidants, basically beating nearly every other food when it comes to how much they contain!
- Have anti-inflammatory properties
- Contain phytochemicals, which can help to protect against certain cancers and heart disease

12) Dark Chocolate (in moderation)
- Contains anti-oxidants, which helps to prevent LDL (cholesterol) from oxidising, and then sticking to artery walls
- Cocoa flavanols have been proven to make blood less sticky, helping to prevent blood clots

13) Quinoa
- Great source of protein
- Contains iron and magnesium
- Has a great balance of amino acids, making it a more 'complete' protein and food than others
- Gluten-free
14) Avocado
- Contains fat, but the good, unsaturated kind
- Good source of vitamins C and E, and potassium, which regulates blood pressure
- Helps the body to absorb carotenoids more easily, as they are fat-soluble
15) Chesnuts
- Low in fat
- Good source of carbohydrates
- Contains vitamin C, B6 and folate
- Packed with anti-oxidants
16) Buckwheat
- High in fibre
- Contains magnesium, which is great for bones and muscles, and B vitamins
17) Pomegranate Juice
- Full of anti-oxidants
- Contains polyphenols, thought to have cancer-preventing properties
- Also has heart-protective flavanols, which help to prevent fatty deposits in arteries
18) Red Wine (in moderation)
- Contains the polyphenols found in the skin of red grapes, such as resveratol, which is thought to help protect against heart disease
19) Coffee (in moderation)
- Contains phytochemicals, not just caffeine, which can be looked upon as a diet demon
- Also has anti-oxidants
- Studies have shown that coffee could possibly reduce the risk of type II diabetes, Parkinson's and liver cancer, and more...but more research must be done to confirm these findings.
20) Mango
- Great source of vitamin C, which helps to protect against cancer-causing free radicals
- Contains beta-carotene, which is linked to a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease, and lupeol - research is being done to learn more about it's possible cancer-preventing properties
I hope you've enjoyed reading about these 20 foods and drinks, and are considering trying some that you haven't before! Having a good diet is all about balance and variety - if you put all that you eat on a table, it should contain all the colours of the rainbow, and definitely not look beige and boring! So give new foods a go, and you'll be doing yourself, and your tastebuds, a favour!
Nati xXx
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